Différences entre version 1 et version 2 de TracRss

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9 oct. 2014 à 13:45:15 (10 ans)
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  • TracRss

    v1 v2  
    44Several of the Trac modules support content syndication using the RSS (Really Simple Syndication) XML format.
    5 Using the RSS subscription feature in Trac, you can easily monitor progress of the project, a set of issues or even changes to a single file .
     5Using the RSS subscription feature in Trac, you can easily monitor progress of the project, a set of issues or even changes to a single file.
    77Trac supports RSS feeds in:
    9  * TracTimeline --  Use the RSS feed to '''subscribe to project events'''.[[br]]Monitor overall project progress in your favorite RSS reader.
    10  * TracTickets, TracReports, and TracQuery -- Allows syndication of report and ticket query results.[[br]]Be notified about important and relevant issue tickets.
    11  * TracBrowser and TracRevisionLog -- Syndication of file changes.[[br]]Stay up to date with changes to a specific file or directory.
     9 * TracTimeline   Use the RSS feed to '''subscribe to project events'''.[[br]]Monitor overall project progress in your favorite RSS reader.
     10 * TracTickets, TracReports, and TracQuery Allows syndication of report and ticket query results.[[br]]Be notified about important and relevant issue tickets.
     11 * TracBrowser and TracRevisionLog Syndication of file changes.[[br]]Stay up to date with changes to a specific file or directory.
    1313== How to access RSS data ==
    1818== Links ==
    19  * http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss -- RSS 2.0 Specification
    20  * http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/ -- Mozilla Firefox supports [http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/live-bookmarks.html live bookmarks] using RSS
    21  * http://sage.mozdev.org -- Sage RSS and Atom feed aggregator for Mozilla Firefox
    22  * http://pim.kde.org/users.php -- [http://kde.org KDE] RSS Reader for Linux/BSD/*n*x systems
    23  * http://www.rssreader.com/ -- Free and powerful RSS Reader for Windows
    24  * http://liferea.sourceforge.net/ -- Open source GTK2 RSS Reader for Linux
    25  * http://akregator.sourceforge.net/ -- Open source KDE RSS Reader (part of KDE-PIM)
    26  * http://www.sharpreader.net/ -- A free RSS Reader written in .NET for Windows
    27  * http://ranchero.com/netnewswire/ -- An excellent RSS reader for Mac OS X (has both free and pay versions)
     19 * ''Specifications:''
     20   * http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss — RSS 2.0 Specification
     22 * ''Multi-platform RSS readers:''
     23   * http://www.rssowl.org/ — Open source, Eclipse-based, RSS reader for Linux, Mac and Windows systems that supports https and authenticated feeds.
     25 * ''Linux/BSD/*n*x systems:''
     26   * http://liferea.sourceforge.net/ — Open source GTK2 RSS Reader for Linux
     27   * [http://akregator.sourceforge.net/ Akregator] — Open source KDE RSS Reader (part of KDE-PIM)
     29 * ''Mac OS X systems:''
     30   * http://ranchero.com/netnewswire/ — An excellent RSS reader for Mac OS X (has both free and pay versions)
     31   * http://www.utsire.com/shrook/ — An RSS reader for Max OS X that supports https (even with self signed certificates) and authenticated feeds.
     32   * http://vienna-rss.sourceforge.net/ — Open source Feed Reader for Mac OS X with smart folders support
     33   * http://www.mesadynamics.com/Tickershock.html — Non-intrusive "news ticker" style RSS reader for Mac OS X
     35 * ''Windows systems:''
     36   * http://www.rssreader.com/ — Free and powerful RSS Reader for Windows
     37   * http://www.sharpreader.net/ — A free RSS Reader written in .NET for Windows
     39 * ''Firefox:''
     40   * http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/ — Mozilla Firefox features plenty [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search/?q=rss&appver=&platform= add-ons] for supporting RSS
    2943See also: TracGuide, TracTimeline, TracReports, TracBrowser