
Version 1 (modified by trac, il y a 18 ans) (diff)


The Trac Configuration File

Trac configuration is done by editing the trac.ini config file, located in <projectenv>/conf/trac.ini.

Global Configuration

Since version 0.9, Trac can also read the configuration from a global trac.ini file. These global options will then be merged with the environment-specific options, where local options override global options.

The global configuration is by default localted in $prefix/share/trac/conf/trac.ini. It can be moved to a different location (for example, /etc/trac.ini), but that requires changing the file trac/ which gets created when Trac is installed.


This is a brief reference of available configuration options.


max_sizeMaximum allowed file size (in bytes) for attachments.262144
max_zip_sizeMaximum allowed total size (in bytes) for an attachment list to be downloadable as a .zip. Set this to -1 to disable download as .zip. (since 1.0)2097152
render_unsafe_contentWhether attachments should be rendered in the browser, or only made downloadable. Pretty much any file may be interpreted as HTML by the browser, which allows a malicious user to attach a file containing cross-site scripting attacks. For public sites where anonymous users can create attachments it is recommended to leave this option disabled (which is the default).false


This section is used to enable or disable components provided by plugins, as well as by Trac itself. The component to enable/disable is specified via the name of the option. Whether its enabled is determined by the option value; setting the value to enabled or on will enable the component, any other value (typically disabled or off) will disable the component.

The option name is either the fully qualified name of the components or the module/package prefix of the component. The former enables/disables a specific component, while the latter enables/disables any component in the specified package/module.

Consider the following configuration snippet:

[components] = disabled
webadmin.* = enabled

The first option tells Trac to disable the report module. The second option instructs Trac to enable all components in the webadmin package. Note that the trailing wildcard is required for module/package matching.

To view the list of active components, go to the Plugins page on About Trac (requires CONFIG_VIEW permissions).

See also: TracPlugins


altAlternative text for the header logo.(please configure the [header_logo] section in trac.ini)
heightHeight of the header logo image in pixels.-1
linkURL to link to, from the header logo.(pas de valeur par défaut)
srcURL of the image to use as header logo. It can be absolute, server relative or relative. If relative, it is relative to one of the /chrome locations: site/your-logo.png if your-logo.png is located in the htdocs folder within your TracEnvironment; common/your-logo.png if your-logo.png is located in the folder mapped to the htdocs_location URL. Only specifying your-logo.png is equivalent to the
widthWidth of the header logo image in pixels.-1


htdocs_dirPath to the shared htdocs directory. Static resources in that directory are mapped to /chrome/shared under the environment URL, in addition to common and site locations. This can be useful in site.html for common interface customization of multiple Trac environments. (since 1.0)(pas de valeur par défaut)
plugins_dirPath to the shared plugins directory. Plugins in that directory are loaded in addition to those in the directory of the environment plugins, with this one taking precedence. (since 0.11)(pas de valeur par défaut)
templates_dirPath to the shared templates directory. Templates in that directory are loaded in addition to those in the environments templates directory, but the latter take precedence. (since 0.11)(pas de valeur par défaut)


This section configures InterTrac prefixes. Options in this section whose name contain a "." define aspects of the InterTrac prefix corresponding to the option name up to the ".". Options whose name don't contain a "." define an alias.

The .url is mandatory and is used for locating the other Trac. This can be a relative URL in case that Trac environment is located on the same server.

The .title information is used for providing a useful tooltip when moving the cursor over an InterTrac link.

The .compat option can be used to activate or disable a compatibility mode:

  • If the targeted Trac is running a version below 0.10 (r3526 to be precise), then it doesn't know how to dispatch an InterTrac link, and it's up to the local Trac to prepare the correct link. Not all links will work that way, but the most common do. This is called the compatibility mode, and is false by default.
  • If you know that the remote Trac knows how to dispatch InterTrac links, you can explicitly disable this compatibility mode and then any TracLinks can become InterTrac links.

Example configuration:

# -- Example of setting up an alias:
t = trac

# -- Link to an external Trac:
trac.title = Edgewall's Trac for Trac
trac.url =


Every option in the [interwiki] section defines one InterWiki prefix. The option name defines the prefix. The option value defines the URL, optionally followed by a description separated from the URL by whitespace. Parametric URLs are supported as well.


MeatBall =
PEP =$1.html Python Enhancement Proposal $1
tsvn = tsvn: Interact with TortoiseSvn


log_fileIf log_type is file, this should be a path to the log-file. Relative paths are resolved relative to the log directory of the environment.trac.log
log_formatCustom logging format. If nothing is set, the following will be used: Trac[$(module)s] $(levelname)s: $(message)s In addition to regular key names supported by the Python logger library (see, one could use: - $(path)s the path for the current environment - $(basename)s the last path component of the current environment - $(project)s the project name Note the usage of $(...)s instead of %(...)s as the latter form would be interpreted by the ConfigParser? itself. Example: ($(thread)d) Trac[$(basename)s:$(module)s] $(levelname)s: $(message)s (since 0.10.5)(pas de valeur par défaut)
log_levelLevel of verbosity in log. Should be one of (CRITICAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG).DEBUG
log_typeLogging facility to use. Should be one of (none, file, stderr, syslog, winlog).none


acceptable_formatsThe formats that may be chosen; execute dot -T? for a list of options.png,cmapx
closed_colorColor of closed ticketsgreen
closed_textText for key showing closed ticketsDone
dot_pathPath to the dot
full_graphShow full dep. graph, not just direct blocking linksdisabled
graph_directionDirection of the dependency graph (TD = Top Down, DT = Down Top, LR = Left Right, RL = Right Left)TD
gs_pathPath to the ghostscript
highlight_targetHighlight target tickets in graphdisabled
opened_colorColor of opened ticketsred
opened_textText for key showing opened ticketsToDo
show_keyShow a key for open/closed nodesdisabled
use_gsIf enabled, use ghostscript to produce nicer output.disabled


stats_providerName of the component implementing ITicketGroupStatsProvider, which is used to collect statistics on groups of tickets for display in the milestone views.DefaultTicketGroupStatsProvider


As the workflow for tickets is now configurable, there can be many ticket states, and simply displaying closed tickets vs. all the others is maybe not appropriate in all cases. This section enables one to easily create groups of states that will be shown in different colors in the milestone progress bar.

Note that the groups can only be based on the ticket status, nothing else. In particular, it's not possible to distinguish between different closed tickets based on the resolution.

Example configuration with three groups, closed, new and active (the default only has closed and active):

# the 'closed' group correspond to the 'closed' tickets
closed = closed

# .order: sequence number in the progress bar
closed.order = 0

# .query_args: optional parameters for the corresponding
#              query.  In this example, the changes from the
#              default are two additional columns ('created' and
#              'modified'), and sorting is done on 'created'.
closed.query_args = group=resolution,order=time,col=id,col=summary,col=owner,col=type,col=priority,col=component,col=severity,col=time,col=changetime

# .overall_completion: indicates groups that count for overall
#                      completion percentage
closed.overall_completion = true

new = new
new.order = 1
new.css_class = new
new.label = new

# Note: one catch-all group for other statuses is allowed
active = *
active.order = 2

# .css_class: CSS class for this interval
active.css_class = open

# .label: displayed label for this group
active.label = in progress

The definition consists in a comma-separated list of accepted status. Also, '*' means any status and could be used to associate all remaining states to one catch-all group.

The CSS class can be one of: new (yellow), open (no color) or closed (green). Other styles can easily be added using custom CSS rule: table.progress td.<class> { background: <color> } to a site/style.css file for example.

(since 0.11)


classCascading Style Sheet (CSS) class name to apply to HTML checkboxes.(pas de valeur par défaut)
typeType of checkbox to render; either html to render an HTML checkbox using the input tag, or unicode to render unicode based ballot box characters ☐ and ☑.html


max_preview_sizeMaximum file size for HTML preview. (since 0.9)262144
mime_mapList of additional MIME types and keyword mappings. Mappings are comma-separated, and for each MIME type, there's a colon (":") separated list of associated keywords or file extensions. (since 0.10)text/x-dylan:dylan, text/x-idl:ice, text/x-ada:ads:adb
mime_map_patternsList of additional MIME types associated to filename patterns. Mappings are comma-separated, and each mapping consists of a MIME type and a Python regexp used for matching filenames, separated by a colon (":"). (since 1.0)text/plain:README|INSTALL|COPYING.*
pygments_default_styleThe default style to use for Pygments syntax highlighting.trac
pygments_modesList of additional MIME types known by Pygments. For each, a tuple mimetype:mode:quality has to be specified, where mimetype is the MIME type, mode is the corresponding Pygments mode to be used for the conversion and quality is the quality ratio associated to this conversion. That can also be used to override the default quality ratio used by the Pygments render.(pas de valeur par défaut)
tab_widthDisplayed tab width in file preview. (since 0.9)8
treat_as_binaryComma-separated list of MIME types that should be treated as binary data. (since 0.11.5)application/octet-stream, application/pdf, application/postscript, application/msword,application/rtf,


admit_domainsComma-separated list of domains that should be considered as valid for email addresses (such as localdomain).(pas de valeur par défaut)
always_notify_ownerAlways send notifications to the ticket owner (since 0.9).false
always_notify_reporterAlways send notifications to any address in the reporter field.false
always_notify_updaterAlways send notifications to the person who causes the ticket property change and to any previous updater of that ticket.true
ambiguous_char_widthWhich width of ambiguous characters (e.g. 'single' or 'double') should be used in the table of notification mail. If 'single', the same width as characters in US-ASCII. This is expected by most users. If 'double', twice the width of US-ASCII characters. This is expected by CJK users. (since 0.12.2)single
batch_subject_templateLike ticket_subject_template but for batch modifications. By default, the template is $prefix Batch modify: $tickets_descr. (since 1.0)$prefix Batch modify: $tickets_descr
email_senderName of the component implementing IEmailSender. This component is used by the notification system to send emails. Trac currently provides SmtpEmailSender for connecting to an SMTP server, and SendmailEmailSender for running a sendmail-compatible executable. (since 0.12)SmtpEmailSender
ignore_domainsComma-separated list of domains that should not be considered part of email addresses (for usernames with Kerberos domains).(pas de valeur par défaut)
mime_encodingSpecifies the MIME encoding scheme for emails. Valid options are 'base64' for Base64 encoding, 'qp' for Quoted-Printable, and 'none' for no encoding, in which case mails will be sent as 7bit if the content is all ASCII, or 8bit otherwise. (since 0.10)none
sendmail_pathPath to the sendmail executable. The sendmail program must accept the -i and -f options. (since 0.12)sendmail
smtp_always_bccEmail address(es) to always send notifications to, addresses do not appear publicly (Bcc:). (since 0.10)(pas de valeur par défaut)
smtp_always_ccEmail address(es) to always send notifications to, addresses can be seen by all recipients (Cc:).(pas de valeur par défaut)
smtp_default_domainDefault host/domain to append to address that do not specify one.(pas de valeur par défaut)
smtp_enabledEnable email notification.false
smtp_fromSender address to use in notification emails.trac@localhost
smtp_from_authorUse the action author as the sender of notification emails. (since 1.0)false
smtp_from_nameSender name to use in notification emails.(pas de valeur par défaut)
smtp_passwordPassword for SMTP server. (since 0.9)(pas de valeur par défaut)
smtp_portSMTP server port to use for email notification.25
smtp_replytoReply-To address to use in notification emails.trac@localhost
smtp_serverSMTP server hostname to use for email notifications.localhost
smtp_subject_prefixText to prepend to subject line of notification emails. If the setting is not defined, then the [$project_name] prefix. If no prefix is desired, then specifying an empty option will disable it. (since 0.10.1)__default__
smtp_userUsername for SMTP server. (since 0.9)(pas de valeur par défaut)
ticket_subject_templateA Genshi text template snippet used to get the notification subject. By default, the subject template is $prefix #$ $summary. $prefix being the value of the smtp_subject_prefix option. (since 0.11)$prefix #$ $summary
use_public_ccRecipients can see email addresses of other CC'ed recipients. If this option is disabled (the default), recipients are put on BCC. (since 0.10)false
use_short_addrPermit email address without a host/domain (i.e. username only). The SMTP server should accept those addresses, and either append a FQDN or use local delivery. (since 0.10)false
use_tlsUse SSL/TLS to send notifications over SMTP. (since 0.10)false


group_blacklistGroups that do not affect the common membership check.anonymous, authenticated


adminE-Mail address of the project's administrator.(pas de valeur par défaut)
admin_trac_urlBase URL of a Trac instance where errors in this Trac should be reported. This can be an absolute or relative URL, or '.' to reference this Trac instance. An empty value will disable the reporting buttons. (since 0.11.3).
descrShort description of the project.My example project
footerPage footer text (right-aligned).Visit the Trac open source project at<br /><a href=""></a>
iconURL of the icon of the project.common/trac.ico
nameName of the project.My Project
urlURL of the main project web site, usually the website in which the base_url resides. This is used in notification e-mails.(pas de valeur par défaut)


default_anonymous_queryThe default query for anonymous users. The query is either in query language syntax, or a URL query string starting with ? as used in query: Trac links. (since 0.11.2)status!=closed&cc~=$USER
default_queryThe default query for authenticated users. The query is either in query language syntax, or a URL query string starting with ? as used in query: Trac links. (since 0.11.2)status!=closed&owner=$USER
items_per_pageNumber of tickets displayed per page in ticket queries, by default (since 0.11)100
ticketlink_queryThe base query to be used when linkifying values of ticket fields. The query is a URL query string starting with ? as used in query: Trac links. (since 0.12)?status=!closed


items_per_pageNumber of tickets displayed per page in ticket reports, by default (since 0.11)100
items_per_page_rssNumber of tickets displayed in the rss feeds for reports (since 0.11)0


stats_providerName of the component implementing ITicketGroupStatsProvider, which is used to collect statistics on groups of tickets for display in the roadmap views.DefaultTicketGroupStatsProvider


default_disabled_filtersSpecifies which search filters should be disabled by default on the search page. This will also restrict the filters for the quick search function. The filter names defined by default components are: wiki, ticket, milestone and changeset. For plugins, look for their implementation of the ISearchSource interface, in the get_search_filters() method, the first member of returned tuple. Once disabled, search filters can still be manually enabled by the user on the search page. (since 0.12)(pas de valeur par défaut)
min_query_lengthMinimum length of query string allowed when performing a search.3


extensionsPaths to sqlite extensions, relative to Trac environment's directory or absolute. (since 0.12)(pas de valeur par défaut)


commit_ticket_update_check_permsCheck that the committer has permission to perform the requested operations on the referenced tickets. This requires that the user names be the same for Trac and repository operations.true
commit_ticket_update_commands.closeCommands that close tickets, as a space-separated list.close closed closes fix fixed fixes
commit_ticket_update_commands.refsCommands that add a reference, as a space-separated list. If set to the special value <ALL>, all tickets referenced by the message will get a reference to the changeset.addresses re references refs see
commit_ticket_update_envelopeRequire commands to be enclosed in an envelope. Must be empty or contain two characters. For example, if set to "[]", then commands must be in the form of [closes #4].(pas de valeur par défaut)
commit_ticket_update_notifySend ticket change notification when updating a ticket.true
default_ccDefault cc: list for newly created tickets.(pas de valeur par défaut)
default_componentDefault component for newly created tickets.(pas de valeur par défaut)
default_descriptionDefault description for newly created tickets.(pas de valeur par défaut)
default_keywordsDefault keywords for newly created tickets.(pas de valeur par défaut)
default_milestoneDefault milestone for newly created tickets.(pas de valeur par défaut)
default_ownerDefault owner for newly created tickets.< default >
default_priorityDefault priority for newly created tickets.major
default_resolutionDefault resolution for resolving (closing) tickets (since 0.11).fixed
default_severityDefault severity for newly created tickets.(pas de valeur par défaut)
default_summaryDefault summary (title) for newly created tickets.(pas de valeur par défaut)
default_typeDefault type for newly created tickets (since 0.9).defect
default_versionDefault version for newly created tickets.(pas de valeur par défaut)
max_comment_sizeMaximum allowed comment size in characters. (since 0.11.2).262144
max_description_sizeMaximum allowed description size in characters. (since 0.11).262144
max_summary_sizeMaximum allowed summary size in characters. (since 1.0.2).262144
preserve_newlinesWhether Wiki formatter should respect the new lines present in the Wiki text. If set to 'default', this is equivalent to 'yes' for new environments but keeps the old behavior for upgraded environments (i.e. 'no'). (since 0.11).default
restrict_ownerMake the owner field of tickets use a drop-down menu. Be sure to understand the performance implications before activating this option. See Assign-to as Drop-Down List. Please note that e-mail addresses are not obfuscated in the resulting drop-down menu, so this option should not be used if e-mail addresses must remain protected. (since 0.9)false
workflowOrdered list of workflow controllers to use for ticket actions (since 0.11).ConfigurableTicketWorkflow


In this section, you can define additional fields for tickets. See TracTicketsCustomFields for more details.


The workflow for tickets is controlled by plugins. By default, there's only a ConfigurableTicketWorkflow component in charge. That component allows the workflow to be configured via this section in the trac.ini file. See TracWorkflow for more details.

(since 0.11)


abbreviated_messagesWhether wiki-formatted event messages should be truncated or not. This only affects the default rendering, and can be overriden by specific event providers, see their own documentation. (Since 0.11)enabled
default_daysbackDefault number of days displayed in the Timeline, in days. (since 0.9.)30
max_daysbackMaximum number of days (-1 for unlimited) displayable in the Timeline. (since 0.11)90
newticket_formatterWhich formatter flavor (e.g. 'html' or 'oneliner') should be used when presenting the description for new tickets. If 'oneliner', the [timeline] abbreviated_messages option applies. (since 0.11).oneliner
ticket_show_detailsEnable the display of all ticket changes in the timeline, not only open / close operations (since 0.9).false


auth_cookie_lifetimeLifetime of the authentication cookie, in seconds. This value determines how long the browser will cache authentication information, and therefore, after how much inactivity a user will have to log in again. The default value of 0 makes the cookie expire at the end of the browsing session. (since 0.12)0
auth_cookie_pathPath for the authentication cookie. Set this to the common base path of several Trac instances if you want them to share the cookie. (since 0.12)(pas de valeur par défaut)
auto_preview_timeoutInactivity timeout in seconds after which the automatic wiki preview triggers an update. This option can contain floating-point values. The lower the setting, the more requests will be made to the server. Set this to 0 to disable automatic preview. The default is 2.0 seconds. (since 0.12)2.0
auto_reloadAutomatically reload template files after modification.disabled
backup_dirDatabase backup locationdb
base_urlReference URL for the Trac deployment. This is the base URL that will be used when producing documents that will be used outside of the web browsing context, like for example when inserting URLs pointing to Trac resources in notification e-mails.(pas de valeur par défaut)
check_auth_ipWhether the IP address of the user should be checked for authentication (since 0.9).false
databaseDatabase connection string for this projectsqlite:db/trac.db
debug_sqlShow the SQL queries in the Trac log, at DEBUG level. (Since 0.11.5)disabled
default_charsetCharset to be used when in doubt.utf-8
default_date_formatThe date format. Valid options are 'iso8601' for selecting ISO 8601 format, or leave it empty which means the default date format will be inferred from the browser's default language. (since 1.0)(pas de valeur par défaut)
default_dateinfo_formatThe date information format. Valid options are 'relative' for displaying relative format and 'absolute' for displaying absolute format. (since 1.0)relative
default_handlerName of the component that handles requests to the base URL. Options include TimelineModule, RoadmapModule, BrowserModule, QueryModule, ReportModule, TicketModule and WikiModule. The default is WikiModule. (since 0.9)WikiModule
default_languageThe preferred language to use if no user preference has been set. (since 0.12.1)(pas de valeur par défaut)
default_timezoneThe default timezone to use(pas de valeur par défaut)
genshi_cache_sizeThe maximum number of templates that the template loader will cache in memory. The default value is 128. You may want to choose a higher value if your site uses a larger number of templates, and you have enough memory to spare, or you can reduce it if you are short on memory.128
htdocs_locationBase URL for serving the core static resources below /chrome/common/. It can be left empty, and Trac will simply serve those resources itself. Advanced users can use this together with trac-admin ... deploy <deploydir> to allow serving the static resources for Trac directly from the web server. Note however that this only applies to the <deploydir>/htdocs/common directory, the other deployed resources (i.e. those from plugins) will not be made available this way and additional rewrite rules will be needed in the web server.(pas de valeur par défaut)
ignore_auth_caseWhether login names should be converted to lower case (since 0.9).false
jquery_locationLocation of the jQuery JavaScript library (version 1.7.2). An empty value loads jQuery from the copy bundled with Trac. Alternatively, jQuery could be loaded from a CDN, for example:, or (since 1.0)(pas de valeur par défaut)
jquery_ui_locationLocation of the jQuery UI JavaScript library (version 1.8.21). An empty value loads jQuery UI from the copy bundled with Trac. Alternatively, jQuery UI could be loaded from a CDN, for example: or (since 1.0)(pas de valeur par défaut)
jquery_ui_theme_locationLocation of the theme to be used with the jQuery UI JavaScript library (version 1.8.21). An empty value loads the custom Trac jQuery UI theme from the copy bundled with Trac. Alternatively, a jQuery UI theme could be loaded from a CDN, for example: or (since 1.0)(pas de valeur par défaut)
mainnavOrder of the items to display in the mainnav navigation bar, listed by IDs. See also, timeline, roadmap, browser, tickets, newticket, search
metanavOrder of the items to display in the metanav navigation bar, listed by IDs. See also TracNavigation.login, logout, prefs, help, about
mysqldump_pathLocation of mysqldump for MySQL database backupsmysqldump
never_obfuscate_mailtoNever obfuscate mailto: links explicitly written in the wiki, even if show_email_addresses is false or the user doesn't have EMAIL_VIEW permission (since 0.11.6).false
permission_policiesList of components implementing IPermissionPolicy, in the order in which they will be applied. These components manage fine-grained access control to Trac resources. Defaults to the DefaultPermissionPolicy? (pre-0.11 behavior) and LegacyAttachmentPolicy? (map ATTACHMENT_* permissions to realm specific ones)DefaultPermissionPolicy, LegacyAttachmentPolicy
permission_storeName of the component implementing IPermissionStore, which is used for managing user and group permissions.DefaultPermissionStore
pg_dump_pathLocation of pg_dump for Postgres database backupspg_dump
request_filtersOrdered list of filters to apply to all requests (since 0.10).(pas de valeur par défaut)
resizable_textareasMake <textarea> fields resizable. Requires JavaScript. (since 0.12)true
secure_cookiesRestrict cookies to HTTPS connections. When true, set the secure flag on all cookies so that they are only sent to the server on HTTPS connections. Use this if your Trac instance is only accessible through HTTPS. (since 0.11.2)disabled
show_email_addressesShow email addresses instead of usernames. If false, email addresses are obfuscated for users that don't have EMAIL_VIEW permission. (since 0.11)false
show_ip_addressesShow IP addresses for resource edits (e.g. wiki). (since 0.11.3)false
timeoutTimeout value for database connection, in seconds. Use '0' to specify no timeout. (Since 0.11)20
use_base_url_for_redirectOptionally use [trac] base_url for redirects. In some configurations, usually involving running Trac behind a HTTP proxy, Trac can't automatically reconstruct the URL that is used to access it. You may need to use this option to force Trac to use the base_url setting also for redirects. This introduces the obvious limitation that this environment will only be usable when accessible from that URL, as redirects are frequently used. (since 0.10.5)disabled
use_xsendfileWhen true, send a X-Sendfile header and no content when sending files from the filesystem, so that the web server handles the content. This requires a web server that knows how to handle such a header, like Apache with mod_xsendfile or lighttpd. (since 1.0)false
wiki_toolbarsAdd a simple toolbar on top of Wiki <textarea>s. (since 1.0.2)true


ignore_missing_pagesEnable/disable highlighting CamelCase links to missing pages (since 0.9).false
max_sizeMaximum allowed wiki page size in characters. (since 0.11.2)262144
render_unsafe_contentEnable/disable the use of unsafe HTML tags such as <script> or <embed> with the HTML WikiProcessor (since 0.10.4). For public sites where anonymous users can edit the wiki it is recommended to leave this option disabled (which is the default).false
safe_schemesList of URI schemes considered "safe", that will be rendered as external links even if [wiki] render_unsafe_content is false. (since 0.11.8)cvs, file, ftp, git, irc, http, https, news, sftp, smb, ssh, svn, svn+ssh
split_page_namesEnable/disable splitting the WikiPageNames with space characters (since 0.10).false


(since 0.9)

This section is used to enable or disable components provided by plugins, as well as by Trac itself. The component to enable/disable is specified via the name of the option. Whether its enabled is determined by the option value; setting the value to enabled or on will enable the component, any other value (typically disabled or off) will disable the component.

The option name is either the fully qualified name of the components or the module/package prefix of the component. The former enables/disables a specific component, while the latter enables/disables any component in the specified package/module.

Consider the following configuration snippet:

[components] = disabled
webadmin.* = enabled

The first option tells Trac to disable the report module. The second option instructs Trac to enable all components in the webadmin package. Note that the trailing wildcard is required for module/package matching.

See the Plugins page on About Trac to get the list of active components (requires CONFIG_VIEW permissions.)

See also: TracPlugins

Note that prior to Trac r2335 (that applies to 0.9b1 and 0.9b2), you would use a [disabled_components] section instead. See a previous version of this page for the details.

See also: TracGuide, TracAdmin, TracEnvironment